Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Propoganda Ideas

The due date is coming up quickly for our multi-media projects. I've been coming up with more ideas to put on my website about propoganda. I watched many propoganda videos on Hitler, and it is funny how thye portray him. They portray him like a God always above everyone. I will put some examples of that on my website. Besides that , I'm not quite sure what to put. We could put some modern day examples of propoganda that look like the Nazi ones and relate them. I saw a picture of Obama at a rally and it looked just like the Hitler photographs I was looking at. He was above everyone with thousands of his supporters sorrounding him. I'm not jumping to any conclusions about Obama, but I'm just saying it is relatable.

While I was sitting in class looking at my propoganda ideas an interesting thought came into my head. I remembered a movie that we had to watch in the fifth grade on propoganda. I had no idea what the movie was called or where I could find it. Then I remembered the group in the video was called The Wave. I looked it up on youtube and found all the parts to the movie. If you watch the very start of the movie in this clip you will see the basic idea of the film. The teacher, Mr. Ross is giving a presentation on nazism and is asked how the Germans could just sit back and deny that anything is happening when millions of people are getting killed. That is when Mr. Ross decides to expirement. He starts a fake group called The Wave. He has teaching principles that he uses as guidlines. Their sayings our "Strength in Discipline" and "Strength in Community." They decide they need a name for their community and they come up with The Wave. They decide on it because it has movement, and explosion. They even come up with a sign for their group.

Please follow this link, the video tool is not working:

In this first part it only starts as a simple expirement that the teacher conjured up, but in the end it turns into something much larger. the students feel like a big part of something, and they start believing it is a real thing. they get protective of it and turn on people that are against it. That is when things get violent, and they don't even realize it. One kid says, "It's ok if a few people get hurt as long as it benefits the whole." They finally realize their mistakes when the teacher shows them what they've become. He tells them they would have turned out just like the Nazis. You can watch it below.

As you can see, if people have a leader that they look up to, and follow, any type of propoganda may work on them. A new remake of the movie (A much more badass looking version) is coming out in 2009; here is the trailer.

My website is coming along quite nicely. I still have to figure out how to put a lot of things on the website. The basic idea is that The Wave is an actual movement and I'm a promoter of the movement. It will have propoganda on it like the Nazis had back in the day. I have to pick a leader for my movement though, and I'm not sure who to pick. I also have to find ways to draw people into my site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post an update on your project.